Nicole Turner, senior VP of Mastercard’s GTH, said: The space was de
signed to support flexibility, make it easier to have a hybrid meeting.
MASTERCARD TECHNOLOGY HUBS reported by bloomberg, and photographed by whoms news teams, on 20th Aug,
There's a growing awarenese of the importantce of quality equipment for Hybrid meeting workplace.
Kandao meeting pro has outperformed all the competitors, as an awarder Kandao meeting pro has had the
honor to be chosen by Mastercard for VIP hybrid workplace due to the extraordinary performance in
many aspects such as privacy, creativity, revolution, and technology.
Kandao Meeting Pro, 4 rounds industry design remarkable honor earned from
market response and
practical feature
Kandao Meeting Pro - Taking up the Kandao Meeting baton, remains to be important role on video
conference camera
Since lauched on Jan. 2021, Kandao Meeting Pro has participant various massive occasion in many
fields, along with the praise and honorable award from the brand building and market response. won
the recongnization from the industry and technology. media and news tried the work effort to public
all kinds of compliementary.
· Good Design 2021 (Japen),
· iF Design Award 2021
· Reddot Winner 2021
4 times wins industry desgin honor afford how perfect and imemersive online conference experience,
and dedicated splendid room meeting device.
Kandao Technology is in the leading position of AI digital imaging technology. Focus on creating
excellent imaging products and developing both hardware and algorithm. Dedicate to provide the most
valuable product and best experience for users.
· Use the Most Advanced Technology to Provide the Best Quality
· Professional software and hardware System design ability
· Strong Compatibility
· Excellence Video Algorithm
· Superior Audio Algorithm
· Core codec and Network transmission technology
Ambassador project flagship demostration case applied on manifested area - education & research
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH media web has uploaded the video and reported the conference camera
Welcom to Reserved Application - Education: THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH
As mention the video conference camera, there are 5 advanced surpriority feature over the conference
room camera industry as followed:
· 360 degree dual lens 8K capture camera in full view
3.0 algorithm
· Stereoscopical HiFi loudspeaker assemble with conference equippment
· Matrix microphone with 8 direction in 5 meters voice collection
· Interior system with android conveient with various conference system
· 4 optional mode apply for more kinds of online interview requirement
Welcom to Reserved Application - Education: THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH participants the Kandao Meeting Pro Ambassador and update the action report on the media web
Discussion Mode
The upper space is the panorama with all of the participants, while the below space is for highlight the speaking persion and showing most of the participants in a clearer way.